Art Stories

Edward Hopper
Sally: Sally's life never went well. Since the age of 12, she's suffered failure after failure. Finally, she's making it big. She used to live in a small town of Johnsberg, Virginia. After her dad died when she was 16, Her and her mom moved to the big city of New York. When she was 21, her mom got breast cancer and died a year later. Now, she is a businesswoman working for a large telemarketing business based out of New York. 
Frankie: Frankie grew up as a chef. As early as eight he was cooking supper for his family. When he was 14, he got his first real job at a diner in central New York. Growing up in New York, he knew the area and knew the people. He's now 42 and owns a chain of Phillies all around New York.
 Johnny: Johnny was a shady individual. There were rumors he had dealings with the mafia. Not much is known about him because no one is known to be his friend. He has partners in business but no one knows what business. He's also known to be a loner and shy out of conversation with everyday people like Sally, Frankie, and Phil.
Phil: Phil is a well-rounded gentlemen from Pennsylvania. He's rich, handsome, and full of confidence. He does have one downfall though. It's said he deals in illegal gambling all around New York. He doesn't hide the fact he does this because most people he comes across he'll end up telling. He prefers the hiding in plain sight method.
(Not finished yet)

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